Ankara Agreement Settlement

The Ankara Agreement Settlement: What You Need to Know

If you`re an entrepreneur or business owner operating in the UK, you may have heard of the Ankara Agreement settlement. But what exactly is it, and how does it impact your business? Let`s take a closer look.

The Ankara Agreement, also known as the ECAA (European Community Association Agreement), is an agreement between the EU and Turkey that enables Turkish citizens to set up businesses in EU member states, including the UK. The agreement was signed in 1963 but only came into effect in 1973.

Under the Ankara Agreement, Turkish nationals who meet certain criteria are eligible for an entrepreneur visa, allowing them to set up a business in the UK. This visa is granted on a temporary basis for 12 months, after which the visa holder can apply to extend their stay.

However, in recent years, the UK government has come under fire for its handling of the Ankara Agreement settlement. In 2018, a legal challenge was brought against the government on the grounds that it was preventing Turkish nationals from applying for indefinite leave to remain (ILR) in the UK, despite the fact that this right is granted to other ECAA nationals.

In response to the legal challenge, the government announced in 2020 that it would overhaul its approach to the Ankara Agreement settlement. As of January 2021, Turkish nationals who have been in the UK for at least 10 years (including time spent on an entrepreneur visa) can apply for ILR. This means that they will have the right to remain in the UK indefinitely, without the need to renew their visa.

The change in policy is a positive development for Turkish entrepreneurs in the UK, who will now be able to build their businesses without the uncertainty of having to renew their visa every 12 months. It also brings the UK into line with the rest of the EU in terms of the rights granted to ECAA nationals.

As a business owner or entrepreneur, it`s important to stay up-to-date with changes to immigration and visa policies, particularly if you operate in a sector that relies on overseas talent. The Ankara Agreement settlement is just one example of how changes to government policy can impact your business, and it pays to be informed and prepared.

In summary, the Ankara Agreement settlement is an agreement between the EU and Turkey that allows Turkish nationals to set up businesses in EU member states, including the UK. Recent changes to UK government policy mean that Turkish nationals who have been in the UK for at least 10 years can now apply for indefinite leave to remain, giving them more security and stability as they build their businesses.